Money, or Oil, or whatever you want to call it.

Iraq had Oil and could have provided real money and funding. If they
were able to get off of UN Sanctions think of the possibilities. If they
were able to develop real WMD and provide them to people that did not
like us, then think of what kind of power they could have had.

Now is that enough to Invade, probably not.

But think of heating our homes and people getting to work with Oil
prices not only going up, but what if production went down because
Saddam could threaten his neighbors with attack if they didn't do what
he wanted.

How would world economies handle that? Not just ours, but the rest of
the world?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Other's have answered this but let's assume for a minute that this was
> possible: are you seriously suggesting that the invasion of Iraq was
> justified because Saddam _might_ have allied himself with Al Qaeda?
> did
> we ignore all the others that they HAD allied themselves with?
> Jim Davis

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