Here you can go down to a certain area and pick up day laborers (illegal 
hispanic immigrants) for $8.00 an hour.  The live 6 - 10 guys per 
apartment have no cars, no insurance, or any other responsibilities. 
Sure they send money back to Mexico or where ever but the average wage 
in Mexico is what?  So these guys can work one or two days a week and 
make more than they can in a month in Mexico.

Sorry, but I can't afford to work for those wages.  Why are the wages so 
low? because there are so many of them that someone is always willing to 
do it cheaper. Why because they have few expenses and are supporting 
families hundreds or thousands of miles away with a cost of living that 
is 1/20th of here.

If there were greater controls on immigration, labor prices would 
increase to a point that kids starting out  and those in need could 
afford to work as laborers.

> To me that's the crux: you were not willing to work for the amount of money
> that the illegals were.  You said it yourself: you could have worked, but
> not for that compensation.

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