Nothing is wrong with the concept in general terms. My argument is that this group is violating a basic trust principle by imposing their agenda through this technical medium. Does their blacklist subscription ask the mail administrator whether they agree with the political objective of the group? Does it suggest to the mail admin that they ought to check with senior management to see whether they think it is appropriate for their organization to be directly supporting a political cause? What if, for instance, a major corporation that does tens of millions of dollars of business with Time Warner is blocking Time Warner's email? I think that spells trouble for the clueless mail administrator who just wants to cut down on spam being sent to his systems.
I can easily see an escalation of this mess. Just consider what would happen if someone put together a list of all of the companies that were blocking Time Warner emails and notified all of Time Warner's customers that they should complain to those companies and boycott their products. What happens if people actually start boycotting these organizations because of this email mess? The mail administrator gets his head handed to him by the CEO, that's what happens. On 6/13/07, Dana wrote: > > ok well. > > mostly I have been viewing this thread as entertainment, but now I am > curious. What exactly is wrong with using economic tools to push an agenda? > It's been done many many times. Think bus boycotts in Alabama. Think tax > policy. > > >blacklist is meant to do. They are engaging in a political fight using > the > >tools of economic warfare to try to push their agenda. > > -- --------------- Robert Munn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ColdFusion MX7 by AdobeĀ® Dyncamically transform webcontent into Adobe PDF with new ColdFusion MX7. Free Trial. Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: