Does'nt cafe apply to all manufacturers selling cars in america?


> I disagree with 90% of this, but it's still interesting and I still
> agree with the let-the-market-solve-it idea
> The Drive-a-Toyota Act
> July 2, 2007; Page A14
> The next time Democratic leaders lament the decline of American
> industry, please refer them to the current Congressional brawl over
> auto fuel-efficiency standards. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and most of
> their colleagues are siding with upscale environmental lobbies over
> American carmakers and workers. Call it their Drive-a-Toyota Act.
> Foreign automakers were cheering in June when Senate Democrats 
> muscled
> through energy legislation to raise Corporate Average Fuel Economy
> (CAFE) standards, requiring that automaker fleets hit an average of 
> 35
> miles per gallon by 2020 (up from today's 27.5 mpg). GM, Ford and
> Chrysler all warned Congress that this would add to their financial
> burdens, making their vehicles even less competitive with those made
> by Toyota, Honda and other automakers. The United Auto Workers warned
> that even a small mileage increase could cost more than 65,000 jobs.
> [John Dingell]
> Yet Senate Majority Leader Reid's response was to scold Detroit for
> opposing him, and to assert that if the U.S. carmakers had only 
> signed
> onto CAFE sooner they wouldn't be in their current predicament. Had
> they "joined us instead of fighting us these last 20 years [over CAFE
> standards], they might not be in the financial mess they're in today,
> "
> he said. His apparent point is that if only GM and Ford had invested
> in new technology and smaller cars the way Toyota and Honda have, 
> they
> wouldn't be losing market share. This is a bizarre reading of recent
> automobile history.
> Detroit has made its share of mistakes, but refusing to compete with
> smaller, more fuel-efficient cars isn't one of them. GM tried and
> failed with its Saturn project. And one reason for that failure is
> that the main competitive reality facing Detroit for a generation has
> been the burden of its worker pension and health care costs. The
> consensus is that those costs add about $1,500 per vehicle compared 
> to
> Japanese or Korean competitors. The best way to recoup those costs is
> by making larger vehicles that earn more profit per sale than smaller
> cars do. Making trucks (protected by a 25% U.S. tariff) and SUVs was
> entirely rational, and failing to do so would have meant more
> financial trouble earlier.
> Mr. Reid also forgets that, until this decade's surging gasoline
> prices, those larger, U.S.-made cars were what Americans wanted to
> buy. The Ford Explorer SUV was a huge consumer hit. With gas prices 
> as
> low as 90 cents a gallon during the 1990s, U.S. drivers preferred the
> safety and power of SUVs, pickups and large sedans. We don't recall
> Bill Clinton proposing a 50-cent-a-gallon gas tax to spur gas
> conservation, or for that matter lecturing Detroit to stop making
> those vehicles.
> Amid today's much higher gas prices, more Americans are choosing more
> fuel-efficient cars -- a market phenomenon that will do far more to
> reduce fuel consumption than any Washington mandate. As most
> economists understand, mileage mandates are an inefficient way to
> limit fuel use. They don't reduce the number of cars on the road, and
> owning a car that gets more miles to the gallon often encourages
> people to drive more miles.
> If Mr. Reid truly cared about cutting gas consumption, he and his
> party would increase the gas tax. But voters are already steamed 
> about
> $3-a-gallon gas, and Mr. Reid's commitment to lower carbon 
> consumption
> doesn't go as far as the personal sacrifice of losing Democratic
> Senate seats.
> CAFE is a way to appease the green lobby immediately, while taxing
> Detroit, its workers and American consumers indirectly but
> significantly over time. Technology exists to further increase fuel
> efficiency, but that technology costs money. The Big Three will have
> to pass those costs along to consumers, which will make their 
> products
> less competitive, while yielding a smaller profit margin on those 
> they
> do sell. Ford lost $12.7 billion last year as it is.
> One Democrat who understands all this is Michigan's John Dingell, the
> House Energy and Commerce Chairman who has so far refused to include
> sweeping new fuel-efficiency standards in his energy bill. He prefers
> the more modest, flexible standards favored by the Bush 
> Administration
> and U.S. carmakers. Ms. Pelosi has refused to budge from her plan to
> pass standards like the Senate's, however. And so the House CAFE
> showdown has been postponed until the fall -- or until enough
> Democrats and wealthy Sierra Club donors can beat Mr. Dingell into
> submission.
> Journalists and greens are starting to highlight this debate as a 
> test
> of Ms. Pelosi's political manhood, saying she needs to show the
> venerable Mr. Dingell who's boss. But it's more accurate to say this
> debate is a test of who has more clout in today's Democratic Congress
> -- the men and women who work in American factories, or the affluent
> greens on both coasts who can afford to pay a premium to own a Prius
> to indulge their concern about global warming.

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