Thank you for the offer, but she is not as grown as she thinks she is
so I am thinking I should go with her. I am not so much concerned with
panhandlers -- we have those too -- as with gettingin over her head
somehow. I have never been to New Orleans but what I have read makes
me think that it is a city where you can get in over your head kinda

On 7/16/07, Russel Madere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a bit jaundiced here, so take my comments with a grain of salt.
> >>So. I am looking for ways to make this work, so here are the questions
> >about that:
> >
> >The Hilton -- is this right downtown? OK neighborhood? My daughter is
> >turning 15 and we have very little street crime in Albuquerque. I do
> >not think she is ready for New Orleans by herself (in answer to can
> >she be put on a plane). I am sure the French Quarter is ok, but it is
> >close to some bad areas, yes? Easy to make a wrong turn?
> The downtown Hilton is right on the Mississippi River next to the French 
> Quarter.  It is a typical tourist area.  most of the neighborhoods within 
> walking distance are fine.  The French Quarter between Bourbon and the River 
> is fine as long as you stay up-river of St. Ann's.  Then that is the area 
> that is a bit seedier and caters to the homosexuals.
> Will she have some adult supervision?  At 15, in the Quarter, I was a bit 
> wild, but we did not have adult supervision.
> [snip]
> >
> >Supposing I should change my mind about this, is there such a thing as
> >an airplane from New Orleans to the San Carlos area?
> Because of the nature of parts of the city, there are a fair number of 
> flights to assorted Mexican and Central American cities.  I don't remember if 
> San Carlos is one of them, but if it is a large tourist destination, then 
> probably.
> >
> >All thoughts and suggestiosn appreciated, cause I am kinda floored...
> I would only send your to New Orleans if there will be chaperones.  Compared 
> to New Mexico, New Orleans is a pretty fast town.  There isn't as much street 
> crime as panhandling and a lot of homeless and self proclaimed "gutter 
> punks."  Most are harmless, but you never can tell.
> My wife might be able to help her out and keep her company.  She doesn't 
> start back to school until August 13.  We don't have a place to put her up, 
> but could help keep an eye on her.
> >
> >thanks
> >Dana

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