So, anyone here ever grown figs? I have two little fig trees in my front yard. They each had like 30 little figs on them and I went out to look at them this evening, and noticed a couple of them had been partially eaten. These are "brown figs" and I guess they turn a kind of purplish brown color when ripe. None of the figs on my tree were completely turned.. but some of them were partly purplish-brown, and were somewhat soft. Still small - only about an inch long.
There were a lot fewer on the trees than there were originally so I'm assuming that some of them have already been eaten by birds or squirrels. I decided to try one - I picked two that looked suitable, and cut them open to make sure they "looked" good... bit in, and sure enough, they tasted pretty good. I guess they're ripe or the birds wouldn't have eaten them. They were soft.. and kind of pinkish on the inside. Sweet tasting. Pretty good. Maybe another year or so and I can pick enough figs to make some fig bars something to look forward to! -- Rick Root Check out CFMBB, BlogCFM, ImageCFC, ImapCFC, CFFM, and more at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Get involved in the latest ColdFusion discussions, product development sharing, and articles on the Adobe Labs wiki. http://labs/ Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: