it's usually better on the engine than petro-diesel.  It has a higher
lubricity to it.  As a matter of fact, they're using nowadays for an
additive to low sulfur diesel to raise the lubricity.  Secondly, it
will clean all...and I mean ALL...the gunk out of your lines.
Normally my fuel filters get changed every 15 to 20k.  When I first
started using BD, I had to change the filter around 5 to 7.5k 3 times
because of all the gunk that was getting cleaned out of the tank.

I've not heard of any problems with BD and the engine mods you want to
do.  I run mine along with a predator programmer without problem.  I
have 120k on my truck and have been using it since about 60k.
Granted, lately, I'm having a hard time finding stations that carry
B100 anymore, but b5 or b20 are usually around.

As for the cold weather, B100 will start to gel around 30 deg.  At
that point, you can either put a gallon of kerosene in your tank and
just use an anti-gelling agent for normal diesel.  B20 won't gel for
quite a bit lower than that.  Most people will switch to B20 during
the cold months so they don't have to worry about gelling.

On 8/9/07, Bruce Sorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, so my next question is, how hard is it on the engine over the long haul?
> My truck has 103K miles on it, has NO leaks, seeps or anything (except a
> tear in the leather), and runs like a champ. I plan on keeping it for
> another 10 years. I am getting ready to tweak the computer to put out more
> milage (currently I am getting about 15 - 18 MPG) as well as put on a 4"
> straight exhaust (no muffler) for more HP and milage (diesels hate back
> pressure, which is what a muffler produces). Can I run BD under these
> conditions?
> I already see the issues about cold weather but we only have temps in the
> 40's a few weeks in the winter at worst.
> I am NOT trying to debunk BD or put it down. I am quite intersted in it and
> since I now know someone who is informed on the subject, I am picking your
> brain.
> Bruce
> On 8/9/07, Zaphod Beeblebrox  wrote:
> >
> > I'm still working on piecing together my processor, but the club I
> > belong to has a lot of people successfully churning out enough BD to
> > power their vehicles.  Most of them produce it on the weekend and the
> > whole process takes about 5 hours, but you only have to watch it for a
> > fraction of that time.
> >
> >
> >

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