On 8/9/07, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sam wrote:
> > If humans aren't causing it then there's nothing we can do.
> >
> What?    We change our environment on a whim.  Granted controlling
> Earth's climate may be tough, but I certainly wouldn't put it past
> humans to do it.  For example, we could nuke volcanos and black out
> the planet for a decade.

I don't know about a decade, maybe a week. But can you state with
confidence the planet won't fix itself?

> (1.) Is the Earth warming in what could statistically be "special
> cause"?  Year-over-year, yes; no debate there.

Since they just discovered James Hansen's numbers have been wrong all along:
 "Four of the top 10 are now from the 1930s: 1934, 1931, 1938 and
1939, while only 3 of the top 10 are from the last 10 years (1998,
2006, 1999). Several years (2000, 2002, 2003, 2004) fell well down the
leaderboard, behind even 1900"

Can we still say the earth is warming? Makes me think the Bush admin
trying to enforce scientific referential integrity is good thing for
America's reputation. You know, stopping political hacks from
destroying science.

> (2.) If #1 is a decade-over-decade trend, we could be in trouble.  Do
> we know that it will be?  No.  This is part of your piece's "lack of
> consensus".


> (3.) If #1 and/or #2, are humans causing it and therefore the solution
> is known?  No consensus there either.

Exactly my point, popular opinion isn't science it's faith.

> So what we're left with is managing risk; something insurance
> companies do ever day for a living.

They won't invest billions on something that doesn't have a sound
bases. Science doesn't work on consensus or faith, it works on facts.
We don't have facts just speculation and political influence. Remember
Hansen was paid $250K by Kerry's wife's foundation.

> So I wonder what the actuaries would say ...

They might say give me something more concrete to work with?

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