> We caught it very early, and he's responding well to Aricept, but I don't
> know if I can handle the slope he's gonna slide down..

You can, and you will.  Is he a great man?  Well, you're his son, and the
fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

It helps to ask yourself, What would he do for me?  The answer would be,
Whatever needs to be done.

Start talking to support groups now and kit-up with guidance literature and
phone numbers.  Start talking with him about how and when he wants to handle
power of attorney and financial matters, sundown care, etc.  Having all that
organized and agreed to ahead of onset will help everyone by knowing that
there is a game plan in place and fewer major issues to sort out.

I'll bet you're the kind of guy that leads when things get tough.  Don't
doubt yourself, Scott.


Adam Phillip Churvis

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