lol well!!!! I have already read all my books and mags, hell i could go through WACK in 2 days!! haha
"I can see there are better things to do than..." Like what? I mean i can put on some tunes (and wont miss any calls), read email, surf web.. potty time is now "productive time" lol soon as i can run cfe on there it is gunna be a great day! > Let me get this straight, you're on the toilet reading your email. > > You know as far as I can see there are better things to do than read > one's email while on the crapper. There's a time and place for > everything. Email and toilets are not it. > > Just remember to wash your hands when you're done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Enterprise web applications, build robust, secure scalable apps today - Try it now ColdFusion Today ColdFusion 8 beta - Build next generation apps Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: