Hmm...ok, that word confuses me because in our system, anything that is
controlled by the central government is referred to as "Federal" the
FBI. So when I hear "federalization", I think of a trend towards the central

Oh well...semantics.

On 8/16/07, Russel Madere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, as I understand it, a federailzed system give the member states
> most of the power while the central government sees to the common defense
> and interstate activities with little control over other activities in the
> states.  Our current system is more a republican system with the central
> government having more power and the member states seeing to good of the
> central government.  In a repubic, there is often a blurring of the lines
> between the member states as the central government gains more power (as we
> have seen here in the US for tha past century).
> >Wouldn't that be a LESS federalized system, or am I confused on that
> term???
> >
> >--
> >Her CD changer is full of singers who are mad at their cat.

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