Like I said in my post, I disagreed with the law.  

I was just using an example I experienced at a restaurant here in Baton Rouge.  
I did reciprocate to the lady in question by letting her see what I ate, a 
second time.

>Uhmm, no Russ you don't, because you can eat somewhere else. Legislating
>fashion is like legislating morality, it doesn't work, and creates
>unnecessary bottlenecks in the courts.
>This same thing got shot down in Richmond, Virginia, because enough people
>saw the stupidity and wastefulness of the legislation.
>What next, do we legislate what slogans people can wear on their T-Shirts,
>or people can only wear specific brands?
>Scott Stewart
>ColdFusion Developer
>4405 Oakshyre Way
>Raleigh, NC. 27616
>(703) 220-2835
>Fuck you - only the by-line read New Orleans.  The actual cities with bans
>are in north Louisiana.  So I don't hve a constitutional right not to see
>some 300 pound woman showing 6 inches of thong back and ass while I'm trying
>to eat?
>Plus, where in the constitution does it ban local governments from setting
>LOCAL indecent exposure standards.
>BTW, I disagree with the law, but sympathize with the aims. 

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