On 9/13/07, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You're no sided?
> Suuuure.

Ya know what I mean, Loathe.  The "sides" are a sham.
Shame on you for furthering the falseness.

> Listen freak.  The body armor shit was resolved quick, but you wouldn't know
> that, you were here home safe.

Give me a fucking break, esse.  I've been shot at many times, and
hit once (or maybe twice if you count it).  "Home safe" doesn't sound
quite right.

And what I'm bitching about is shit like the bradley troop carrier- what about
fuckups like that, where our own people are reaming us, for fucking green
man!  Did you ever read the Boyd biography I recommended?

Asshole VP is in there, can't understand why Boyd liked that nutter- but
it's damn eye opening.

You dont' think that shit should be fixed?  It doesn't piss you off that we're
watching fucking 18 YEAR OLDS getting blown to bits, while fucking 50+
ers are lining their pockets, at those kids expense(lives!)?  FUCK YOU.

And you talk shit like you're supporting something by turning your head
the other way.  What a crock.

> In the 8 years I was enlisted my benefits only got better, never worse.
> Maybe not as good as we wanted but they increased.
> Why don't you ask a couple of soldiers, people who have actually been there
> and done that, what they think?

Why should I?  Besides the fact that I've talked to some who feel both
ways about the deal-  this ain't an easy situation that the fucktards have
gotten us into- what would that matter?  They die for US, and not so we
can roll over and have them be screwed when they come home.

Whatever the "feelings", there are hard "freedoms" that they die for.

I haven't seen you so feisty about the fucking rug being pulled out from
under us- why the sudden excitement about my bitching?  Not patriotic
enough for you?  That's what's sickening.  You don't even know what
patriotism really is.  It's not dieing for nothing, T-dawg.  I've been down
the death road, and that alone, ain't where it's at.  I'm not scared to die.
(but I should get some fucking life insurance, so the wife and kid are ok!)

> You make my sick.  The reasoning behind the invasion of Iraq is, at this
> point, irrelevant.  American blood has been spilled there.  We started a war
> and MUST win it.  What is so freaking hard to understand about that?

That is easy to understand.  That's the problem. People like you want the
easy answers.  "We must win the war!" what the fuck is that really saying?
the world a better place FOR ALL?  You sit by, as our rights, and core fucking
beliefs are trashed "for the war", "for safety", and say dick (I know
you complain
a bit too, but not on the scale you did in this post- and you should
be! it's more

> Do you really think this is over if we leave Iraq?  It's not over even if we
> left every muslim country in the world.  Lisbon, London, NY, DC, can't you
> see?  If we quit it allows the insurgents to focus their attention outside
> Iraq at better targets.

Why must you parrot the shit that's being said?  Did you ever stop to think
about how the fuck you actually battle shit like this?  It's not with bullets,
asswipe, it's with flowers- perhaps some bread too.

> You want to piss on the dead, you go right ahead.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, Loathestar!

I bet you've got an american flag wrapped around you as you bang this
crap out, right?

Can't you see that it is YOU that is pissing on those
that gave their lives for this Great Country?!?!

WFT is wrong with you people?!?!

("you people" meaning those that say we're doing a
disservice to the fallen heroines & heroes, by calling "bullshit")

> Who decides to lose a fucking war?  We haven't taken huge casualties and
> losses.  We haven't lost ground or battles. Why are your ilk sodefeatist?

Who are you to say that losing Jeremy Long wasn't a huge loss for the
country?  Why is it that the only show I see that actually honors the fallen
is a PBS show?  I saw the general get interviewed- I don't think he changed
his answer to "yes"-  In WWII, do you think there was EVER hesitation
that what we were doing was making the world safer for everyone? (not just
us westerers, BTFW).

It ain't about quitting, or surrendering, numb-nuts- it's way more complicated
than that.  Only simpletons think- *sigh*

Sorry, Loathe, I'm really letting you have it, but it's all in the
spirit of debate,
not any real animosity or whathaveyou.  We do have the power to "win",
but we have do to it right.

We have to know what "winning" really is.

I Love you brother!, and thanks for your service- thanks meaning more than
just "thanks"- I mean real emotional whatnot, not expressable in words.

I really, truly value what America can be.  And what it takes.  I've never
worn a uniform, but I try to fight for what I think is right- It's all I've got.
Life is too important not to- meaning the persuit of happiness, etc..
It's good to remember what we're fighting for, every now and again.
/me says as he looks at his beautiful daughter, just learning to talk...
and thinks about getting asked for papers as he drives across his

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