> RoMunn wrote:
> You seem invested in defeat, and you sound annoyed that Petraeus did such a
> good job against Democrats

(1.) The whole "lose as fast as possible" propaganda is not just
immature, but totally useless.  You might as well say, "your butt
stinks!  nah nah, na boo boo."

(2.) There are people for policy changes on both sides of the aisle,
in-between, and at the extreme edges.

(3.) Gen Petraeus is a smart man with a tough job.  We're lucky to
have him managing such a shitty gig and, in the end, he has no choice
but to execute the President's policy no matter how much Bush repeats
"I listen to the Generals"; because the facts show differently.

And because Gen Petraeus is so smart, his testimony directly reflected
what he saw as the best way to manage his shitty gig.

The problem is, the policy has to change and he agrees with that which
is why when asked if he felt the *policy* was making America safer he
said, "I don't know actually".

Do you think MacArthur would've said that to such a question in WWII?
Or in Korea?

Petraeus is smart: he's saying the rights things to make the best of a
shit situation; and he's probably the best guy to take care of our
troops given they have to be there.

My job, as an American, is to decided if the policy is right.  It's
not.  It's, at best, irresponsible, and at worst immoral.

If you like the policy, sign up.  Go out on patrol every 6 hours.
Watch your buddies die.  Listen to your top commander say he doesn't
know what good you're doing.  And then go back on patrol.

And then vote to let those over there that don't like it go home.

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