Hello Larry??
Why are you comparing 4th and 8th grade scores?

Even if 8th grade math scores aren't as high as some other countries
we're still higher then James' country.

Scroll to PDF page 72:

By most available criteria, the United States is still the undisputed
leader in the
performance of basic and applied research.1 In the latest IMD World
Competitiveness Yearbook, the United States ranks first, followed by
Hong Kong and Singapore. The survey compares economic performance,
government efficiency, business efficiency, and infrastructure. Larger
economies are further behind, with Zhejiang (China's wealthiest
province), Japan, the United Kingdom, and Germany ranked 20 though 23,
respectively.2 An extensive review by the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
concludes that since World War II, US leadership in science and
engineering has driven its dominant strategic position, economic
advantages, and quality of life.3 Researchers in the United States
lead the world in the volume of articles published and in the
frequency with which those papers are cited by others.4 US-based
authors were listed on onethird of all scientific articles worldwide
in 2001.5 Those publication data are significant because they reflect
original research productivity and because the professional
reputations, job prospects, and career advancement of researchers
depend on their ability to publish significant findings in the open
peer-reviewed literature. The United States also excels in higher
education and training. A recent comparison concluded that 38 of the
world's 50 leading research institutions—those that draw the greatest
interest of science and technology students—were in the United
States.6 Since World War II, the United States has been the
destination of choice for science and engineering graduate students
and for postdoctoral scholars choosing to study abroad. Our
nation—about 6% percent of the world's population—has for decades
produced more than 20% of the world's doctorates in science and

On 10/28/07, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wow, you must think we're all morons.
> > http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/oct2007/sb20071025_827398.
> > htm?chan=top+news_top+news+index_top+story
> > The Science Education Myth
> > Forget the conventional wisdom. U.S. schools are turning out more
> > capable science and engineering grads than the job market can support
> Just select members of this list obviously.
> But the stats speak for themselves, in the last comparison, in 2003 (there is 
> one being conducted now, the report should be out late next year) in terms of 
> mathematicsthe United States was well behind such intellectual powerhouses as 
> Latvia, http://timss.bc.edu/PDF/t03_download/t03cdrpt_chapter4.pdf. Regarding 
> sciences the US did not perform as poorly but was still 9th, 
> http://timss.bc.edu/PDF/t03_download/T03_S_Chap1.pdf
> In other words you're wrong. While above average (especially when compared to 
> countries such as Iran, Ghana and Chile), the mean scores on sciences and 
> maths are well behind Singapore, Korea, Estonia and Japan. Given the 
> resources that the US has, it should be considerably higher on these 
> measures. When the 2007 TIMSS results come out next year hopefully the US 
> will show some improvement.
> http://nces.ed.gov/ssbr/pages/international.asp
> for the full report see: http://timss.bc.edu/timss2003i/mcgdm.html
> >

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