That makes an odd amount of sense.

If anyone cares:  I'm not an atheist.  I'm also not a member of any 
established religion.


G Money wrote:
> Many people are born into religious settings, and have their morality taught
> to them in the context of religious teachings. To these people, it can be
> very difficult to understand how morality can be separated from the
> religious teachings...because the two have been intertwined for as long as
> they have known.
> I think that is why so many people distrust the morality of atheists. They
> simply don't understand how "morality" can have any other basis.
> It's a position borne more of ignorance than of prejudice, I think. As these
> people mature, they come in contact with atheists who exhibit moral
> behavior...but they probably never know those people are atheists! So they
> never make the connection that "wait, Ben is moral, but he's not
> religious.....I must be turned around on this....???"
> I have no numbers or studies or anything to back any of this up...just
> thinking out loud based upon personal experiences and observations growing
> up in a "religious" setting.
> On 11/6/07, Ben Doom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Sure you were.  You just didn't know it was bad because you didn't have
>> Jesus in your heart.
>> Remember.  Pillage, then burn.
>> --BenD
>> William Bowen wrote:
>>>> Well... you tell me: does the Catholic Church teach that Atheists lack
>> all
>>>> morals?
>>> yup
>>>> That they'll all steal where a religious person wouldn't?
>>> yup. But, and here's the truly interesting bit, apparently, without
>>> religion people are capable--nay--compelled to commit the most heinous
>>> acts of violence and debauchery.
>>> Truly, truly wonderful this religion thing, keeping all those would be
>>> rapists, murderers and adulterers in check like that.
>>> Though as a atheist, I've ne'er felt compelled to do much of anything
>> bad.
>>> hrmm.

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