Well here is my opinion.

#1. It is not for a private to decide what wars are immoral or illegal, 
whether drafted or a volunteer. Their job is to follow the orders of 
their Commander in Chief and the officers and non-commissioned officers 
over them.
Now if a Sergeant tell his men to go into a village and kill everyone 
for no apparent reason other than to get a good body count, that is 
different, and the regs even state that a soldier can and will disobey 
orders that they know are illegal or immoral. I know, I have done this 
and I did not get in trouble.

#2. These guys are cowards, pure and simple. One of our greatest 
soldiers was a conscientious objector. His name was Alvin York. He tried 
to get out of being drafted, was denied, went to Germany and did what he 
had to do. These "men" deserve to be deported and have the book thrown 
at them, especially today when it is an all volunteer force.

Here is the Oath of Allegiance that we service member take when joining:

    /"I,/ {insert name here}/, do solemnly swear </wiki/Swear>, (or
    affirm), that I will support and defend the Constitution of the
    United States </wiki/Constitution_of_the_United_States> against all
    enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and
    allegiance </wiki/Allegiance> to the same; that I take this
    obligation </wiki/Obligation> freely, without any mental reservation
    </wiki/Mental_reservation> or purpose of evasion </wiki/Evasion>;
    and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the
    office on which I am about to enter. So help me God </wiki/God>."/

It is very clear that they are to take their obligation freely, without 
any mental reservation of purpose of evasion (going AWOL).

There is not a single service member who can honestly say with a 
straight face that the prospect of war never crossed their mind. When I 
was in Germany, my unit was a border unit. Basically a big speed bump 
for the communist hoard that was only a few hundred yards away from us. 
Trust me, we took this job very seriously and the thought of going to 
war with Russia was very real and always on our minds. This is why we 
partied so hard - because that might be the last beer we drank, the last 
schnitzel that we ate, or the last woman that we......well you get the 
Even after the Cold War anyone joining the military knew that he/she 
could be called up at a moments notice. If they have a problem with 
that, then they need to get out. Pure and simple. Too many kids join the 
military for the sole purpose of getting college money or now days, big 
fat bonuses (up to $40,000.00 for new privates) to pay off bills, and 
they don't think of or see the bigger picture, that they are part of an 
all volunteer force subject to pick up arms and fight wherever they are 
told to at any time.


G Money wrote:
> I think it's important that soldiers retain the ability to conscientiously
> object to an assignment that they know to be immoral or illegal.
> Iraq sucks balls, but it is neither immoral or illegal. It is the type of
> service that they signed up for. In this particular case, I think the
> soldiers should be punished.
> But I'd like to hear opinions from active and retired soldiers.....?
> On Nov 16, 2007 9:28 AM, Bruce Sorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So it appears that Canada is no longer a safe refuge for cowards. Their
>> Supreme Court rejected refugee applications for several American service
>> members. Way to go Canada.
>> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21794024/
>> Bruce

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