> RoMunnwrote:
> Dude I agree with you, but it isn't that simple. Throwing money at the
> problem will not guarantee success.

Using 2 engines to power 1 car that still runs on hydrocarbons?  And
if you use full electricity you still have to get that from somewhere
which, at least for the next 15 years, would be coal and after that

Seems like where we should be investing our dollars is in clean coal
and clean diesel technology.  Why?  Both engine technologies and
distribution systems already exist.  Cleaning up the technologies will
be, to begin, primarily a matter of retrofitting.  These are full
solutions that could be in place in 2-5 years.

The switch then from diesel to bio-diesel would be almost trivial.
And bio-diesel could even replace coal.

That's why I fail to see any value whatsoever in hybrids.  They're an
evolutionary dead-end unless there's something I'm missing.

And bio-diesel solves world hunger and poverty since it would give
farmers the world over an easy way to make money.  It's a slam dunk.

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