Adam I couldn't agree more.  Once upon a time you had to put your name 
behind your words.

I've stepped on my dick more than once on this list, saying things that 
were hurtful and mean, and made my amends of them (no I am NOT sorry 
about the Issac bullshit, he brought it on himself).  In person and on 
list.  Hell most of you know I've struggled with alcohol issues over the 
years, and it caused me trouble in person in the community and in my 
career.  I work on problems of my own making, but when I stand up and 
say this is what I believe, this is why, I do so with the vast majority 
of people knowing who I am.

Now obviously with the military and my reenlistment this means that I 
have to occasionally censor myself, but tough shit, I have to do it in 
person as well.

I hate people that have alternate online persona's and are totally 
different  in person.  I'm  a loud, boisterous, perverted, quick to 
anger guy.  Here, at a conference, in the office or in the field.  I try 
to be honest about my strengths and my weaknesses. 

We need more men like you Adam, and thats no BS.

Adam Churvis wrote:
>> There are a lot of contentious issues raised on this list, and if one
>> is honest with one's views, it could be detrimental.
> To me, it is the very essence of cowardice that a man cannot stomach
> standing by his own truths in a way that exposes himself to reproach.
> I feel sick thinking that the future is filled with more and more little men
> spouting big words from behind a veil of secrecy.  In my day you stood by
> your words, and if you were called out on them, you made an accounting one
> way or the other.  I find that much more civilized.
> Respectfully,
> Adam Phillip Churvis 
> President
> Productivity Enhancement

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