there goes the thread again :P On Jan 31, 2008 11:02 AM, William Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Yet we as Christians are supposed to blindly accept it when someone > > belittles our belief system? > > We Atheists are supposed to be quiet and respectful when we are called > immoral? > > Atheists, by law, cannot hold public office or testify in court in Arkansas. > <> > > There are five other states that in their constitutions specifically > disallow Atheists from holding public office. > > Any states that disallow Christians like that? No? Really? None? > hrmm... Your "oppressed" argument has more than a few holes in it. > > > We're supposed to turn a blind eye to > > schools teaching our children, by example and reference, that things > > such as premarital sex and gender bending are things that they are > > supposed to do? > > Abstinence only programs and chastity pledges have proven so very effective. > > > It's not our right to tell someone to watch their > > language around our children? > > Sure, go ahead. But please keep in mind that you need to step off when > I ask you to stop preaching around mine. > > > Our hard earned tax dollars are > > supposed to be funneled into abortion clinics? > > Which tax dollars are those? Cite please? > > > I will say this - we are a lot LESS of a "Christian" nation than we > > were some 60 years ago. > > Good. 60 years ago we had ourselves Government sanctioned, whites-only > drinking fountains. Real fucking Christian. > > > Blue laws have been repealed. > > Oh boo hoo. People can shop on Sundays. Blue laws were not just about > alcohol sales. > > > The FCC allows > > a lot more on the air. Cable, satellite and Internet have made the > > world an extremely small place and let groups get their message out > > louder than before (with enough money). > > > Remember that at one time > > there was a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT that banned the sale or > > consumption of alcohol. > > Remember that that amendment was repealed by the same process that got > it enacted. >
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