yeah but ... at least someone there is thinking about trying. So
however inadequate an improvement it may be, it is something of an

On Feb 9, 2008 6:11 AM, Casey Dougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/7/08, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Why add more courts to change the prisons? Don't most courts already
> > let you serve in a rehab type facility? Isn't this a States issues?
> It's really not the same thing. I can tell you first hand. got pushed
> through that style of court when i was younger. Drug Court is one court room
> out of an entire court house where they deal with those type of offenses
> specifically. I can tell you, it's no walk in the park. Instead of going
> through probation, you go to court once a month... It's hard, the judge can
> impose all kinds of sentences and your case is up for review every month.
> Since I haven't been through any other type of real court offense I can't
> tell you what's worse. To say the least, they specialize on drug related
> offenses and that's it. I didn't see rape and child molestation cases being
> brought up while I was there for a simple drug offense, there were some
> people who needed serious help and I'm not sure any court would help.

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