I agree with Eri*K*a, especially if you TOLD them it's a doorstop and they still want it. -Ben
> -----Original Message----- > From: Erika L. Walker-Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 8:54 AM > To: CF-Community > Subject: RE: 486 PCs - Moral Question > > > Sell more. > If someone wants to buy a doorstop, well then, sell them a doorstop. > :) > > Erika > ------------------------------------------------------------ > > >>|-----Original Message----- > >>|From: Haggerty, Michael A. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > >>|Sent: 22 March 2002 16:52 > >>|To: CF-Community > >>|Subject: 486 PCs - Moral Question > >>| > >>| > >>|I have been working on a technology refresh at my > daughter's school, and > >>|have come into possession of a lot of 486 computers. If I did > >>|not take them, > >>|they were headed for the dumpster. > >>| > >>|At first, I started putting slackware on the ones I took home, > >>|and setting > >>|them up to do some basic word processing / telnet. I thought I > >>|could donate > >>|them to needy families through my church. > >>| > >>|But then my bedroom became filled up with old monitors, > >>|keyboards, etc., and > >>|my dog began eating the mice cables. So I started asking around > >>|and seeing > >>|if anyone wanted the old 486s. I get them in increments, as new > >>|technology > >>|is brought into the school. > >>| > >>|One day, Sean, a friend of mine, says he will take one. > Mark, the guy who > >>|sits next to him, say he'll take one too. This was the last one > >>|I had, so, > >>|jokingly, I say "Okay, I will give it to the highest bidder". > >>|Mark says ten > >>|dollars, Sean says twenty, and the price war ends at $30 with > >>|Mark waiting > >>|one week. > >>| > >>|Now I am being contacted by friends of friends. I am up to > $40 a machine, > >>|$60 with monitor, and have already made $500 off the deal. > >>| > >>|I am donating the money right back to the church (I get the > >>|computers from a > >>|Catholic school) but I wonder: is it morally wrong to sell obsolete > >>|technology, even to those who believe they need it? I am > convinced the > >>|'need' is imagined and that these machines are not going > to do much for > >>|anyone. I tell my 'clients' that, but they respond by > asking if they can > >>|pick it up themselves. > >>| > >>|M > >>| > >>| > >>| > >>| > >>| > ______________________________________________________________________ Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more resources for the community. http://www.fusionauthority.com/ads.cfm Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-community@houseoffusion.com/ Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists