As someone who went through a dry spell of being able to find work a few
years back, I have to wonder if it's not for some of the same reasons you
can't find any 'decent' applicants: maybe what you're looking for in
'decent' is just a touch too stringent. There is the possibility that
someone out there can do the job, and do it as well or better than just
about anyone, but they miss your qualification screening somehow. Or maybe
the job listing is putting applicans off somehow--I know I almost didn't
apply for my current position (in fact, the first time through, I skipped
it; 2 weeks later it was still there, so I gave it a shot. 2 years later,
I'm still kicking in high gear).

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 11:01 AM, Crow T. Robot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > It's a shame that you have to base your choice of a platform on worker
> > availability instead of on technical considerations for the app.
> >
> It is a real shame, but there seems to be a real shortage out there right
> now.  We've got about 3 positions we could fill *right now* but can't even
> get a decent applicant.  Only one senior position , the other two junior.
> It's crazy how little activity there is in the CF developer community
> around
> here.
> We're branching out to other technologies too, but for different reasons.
> Going with a non-CF solution for some web apps certainly helps us
> alleviate
> the staffing problems a little, though.

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