There is a Canadian teenager who has been in Guantanamo for six years
for throwing a rock at a soldier in Afghanistan. I don't condone
throwing rocks at soldiers, but that seems little disproportionate,
esp since the soldier was not injured. I worry about a system that
labels children who think they are defending their village as
terrorists. Turns out his *father* is a key bad guy. Ah. We have
actually kidnapped a child to pressure a parent. That's better,

 Also, there are a multitude of stories about waiters being detained
because they served lunch to an al-Qaeda fighter, taxi drivers being
tortured to death at Bagram, and lawyers being detained for months in
error. If even one of these stories is true, that is a problem.

You're trusting the government again.

On 2/29/08, Bruce Sorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Again the only people that I see whose civil liberties are being
> violated are the ones who are doing something wrong, and at that point
> you forfeit these liberties. I believe that the intent of this whole
> thing is to speed up the investigative process and not mire it up
> waiting for some judge or grand jury issue a subpoena. And let's not
> forget that there are leaks all throughout the government, so again if
> you run it through legal channels, you risk the perpetrators being notified.
> Dana wrote:
> > I don't know the book, but answers like this scare the hell out of
> > *me*... why is it that people who are in favor of de-funding the
> > government also favor turning our civil liberties over to its tender
> > mercies

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