"Never seen anything like that.  I bet a lot of folks in that
dealership were Republicans.  Most, based on snippets of conversation
I heard, were Southerners.  Almost all were white.  And they watched,
listened, and agreed with what Barack Obama was saying about race in

I decided today that there are a lot of good people in the world.  I
decided that after all the slogans, after all the bumper stickers, and
after all the excruciating hours of listening to Bill O'Reilly divide
us, most folks don't hate most other folks.  And when someone stands
up, and explains the situation clearly, concisely, and directly, they
can see that, yeah, we have issues to work through and that, yeah, we
need to do something.

Today's speech wasn't about right or left, black or white, man or
woman.  Today Barack Obama gave a speech about basic human dignity,
dignity that all of us deserve.  And my brothers and sisters from OTP,
many of them folks I would've considered culturally very, very
different from me just yesterday, watched, listened, and saw with
their hearts and minds what Barack Obama was saying.  "

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