bravo! On 3/20/08, Adam Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Adam wrote: > > > 5) There are times when a private citizen truly needs machine guns > > to > > > > Don't you find it ironic that your example of "needing machine guns" > > is to protect those same machine guns? > > > No, not at all. It was valuable business property, and he was the owner > of > the business. > > And they were after mostly non-NFA-type weapons, anyway. > > And to put a point on it all, he camped out on a cot in the back of his > business because there was no way for the police to protect him based on > rumors he had heard about a potential robbery. So the citizen had to > protect his business himself. With military weapons. > > Another point I'd like to make is that, most likely, most of the people on > this list have never really been on the shit side of the good/bad line, > where you lived among drunks and heroin addicts and cheap hookers and > crimes > of all kinds. In fact, most of you have probably had fairly good lives > being raised by at least one or more fairly good parents in at least > passable neighborhoods and workable schools. And you probably spent more > time in school and out. So you have most likely enjoyed, perhaps not la > dolce vita, but reasonably good lives. And as such your view of the > police > has been to protect you rather than persecute and insult you, and 911 was > your personal panic button rather than a joke. And the police probably > greeted you with "Police, ma'am -- we got a call..." rather than "I swear > to > god, you motherfuckers make me come down here one more time and I will > fucking wear your asses out!" To you, Officer Friendly wasn't a bent cop > getting freebies from hookers and taking drug money to leave some corners > open and shut the competitions' down. > > So just remember that your opinions are based on your life experiences and > not the universal set of facts and realities that affect and control > everything around you. If you think that gun control will work, then > you've > probably never lived in the shit, where you would laugh at such a notion. > > Bottom line: If you, acting entirely within the limits of the local laws > of > Washington, DC, went to any one of a hundred bad street corners in DC and > said out loud, "I have $100 for every one of you who can prove to me > beyond > the shadow of a doubt that gun control is completely ineffective," you > would > be dead from multiple gunshot wounds within seconds. > > > Respectfully, > > Adam Phillip Churvis > President > Productivity Enhancement > > > >
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