Put down the cast iron muffin pan... oh never mind.

Yes, i was kidding. Mostly. I would be very, very nice to those women. More
because they are women than because they are armed.

To be fair, there ARE some people that I am wary of, because they just
_might_ have a gun back in the truck. That is the beauty of the more rural
parts of Florida. I can outrun most of them, so knives and broken longneck
bottles dont worry me as much.

The same holds true for punks and obvious criminal types at many train
stations in Boston. They _do_ shoot people "just 'cause".

But that is more a statement about my perceptions of them as people. I
wouldn't worry about you, or Tim, even if you had a loaded weapon in your

I agree about the education. There is really nothing scary about a gun, per
se. This holds true for nailguns, chainsaws, motorcycles and gas grills. The
scary thing is inept, untrained, or stupid or careless people handling them.
Fortunately, untrained can be corrected.

Of course, I am seen as one of "them" as I own multiple firearms (3
generations worth at the moment), and have access to many more.

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 5:57 PM, Adam Churvis <

> You know, I know you're joking, but this brings up a pet peeve of mine:
> when
> people assume that, because you have access to a gun, that people had
> better
> do what you say or want, and better not say anything to contradict you,
> and
> not piss you off, or not do the slightest trivial thing that might be
> contrary to what the gun owner thinks, or HE WILL KILL YOU!
> Frankly, it's very insulting to us, and to your own intelligence.  When I
> talk to people about children and guns, saying that it's best to highly
> train your children in their safe use from a very young age, not let them
> have toy guns or even play like they're shooting someone, I invariably get
> the "But then they could take them to school and kill someone with them"
> crap.  I then ask them why their own children don't spontaneously grab one
> of their kitchen knives and slit their parents' throats while they sleep?
> Or pick up a baseball bat and go to town on people's skulls?
> Why?  Because they're not insane, nor do they harbor ill will toward
> people.
> If they did, they would be in therapy and not allowed around firearms.

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