ok so i will be the cranky one and you can be the blonde.....

You gave a smart ass rely and i gave a smart ass reply back.. maybe you should 
go take your pms meds now...

ok so lemme get my crayons out so the pms'n one can understand.

"I went from getting 2000 a day to about 20 now.."
yes... you are taking that wrong, i am talking about whats getting caught in 
the spam filter NOT my f*ckin inbox. I get a nightly report from postini so 
that I can check for good messages and have them delivered if i choose. When I 
started with with postini there would be thousands of messages in there a day 
(and AGAIN THIS IS THE F*CKIN SPAM FILTER NOT MY INBOX) and now my reports are 
down to about 20 a day (AGAIN NOT IN MY DAMN INBOX).

You keep thinking I am talking about my inbox.. AGAIN... I said I get about 1 
piece of spam in my FRICKIN INBOX approx every other day. You said you get 
about 20 a week, which I am assuming you mean in your inbox. I am truly sorry 
that I confused you with adding an additional variable in there. I tried to 
write it simple enough so that even Will could understand it but I miss judged 

I know gmail has good filters and if i wasnt using postini I would use that. I 
was just making the comment that since google owns Postini that they would 
probably be using it, which obviously was over your head.

So if I simplify what i said it would be:
I get about 1 piece of spam in my inbox every other day.

is that easy enough for you to understand?

">That's 20 spam messages, maybe, MAYBE in a week. That fall through the
>filters. I hardly see where that says it's a) in a day, b) 6-7x as much spam
>as you."

I didnt say in a day...

So you are getting MAYBE 20 pieces a week that get through your filter. Ok, so 
we agree on that right.

And if I get 1 piece every other day that would be (rounding up for you) 4 a 
week, ok so i was wrong... you would be getting 5% more... sorry my bad

>Well YES SIR! Aren't you a cranky little thing. OK. Re-read. Yes. Here we
>"I went from getting 2000 a day to about 20 now.."
>LET'S TAKE A CF-COMM POLL ....... who here reads that as:
>"2000 [spam] a day down to 20 [spam] a day" ... ???  SINCE SPAM is what we
>were talking about?
>Hands? Yes? Counts?
>Spam in my in-box. What did I say? Oh yes.    "I don't even get 20 a week
>That's 20 spam messages, maybe, MAYBE in a week. That fall through the
>filters. I hardly see where that says it's a) in a day, b) 6-7x as much spam
>as you.
>How about that Sir Dave... Does that answer your question? Want to come at
>me some more? I can be cranky like you. Let's go. I'm just in the mood for a
>smart ass today that thinks other people are either a) too stupid to read b)
>too stupid to understand them
>is caught in
>kind of shows
>kept as a good
>get about 1 

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