Man I just left my mailroute protection that i paid 2 bucks a month per
email box for and went to google. And goodness this blows i know i have to
`train` my box with the report spam stuff but thats just a bs waste of my
I still download my mail to outlook so i didn't want to goto webmail and
have to hit report spam on everything thats spam. Google should just
freaking know. I think i'll just filter my box through a postfix box of mine
to do the greylisting that will remove a lot of this junk. I just finally
went to google becuase people have raved about it but you get what you pay
for i guess. And i paid $50 bucks for the year per user instead of 24 a year
with mailroute.

One size does not fit all i guess. :) Not telling anyone they are wrong just
saying there is only some much you can ignore for `googlely goodness`. I
really wanted to stay away from google becuase the day google goes bad i
want to be able to say I predicted it. :)

On 3/19/08, Jerry Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just got a spam message in my gmail inbox.
> It was so out of place, I was surprised.
> I went back through my last 2000 messages, and it is the only email that
> was
> not properly flagged as spam.
> There were 2 messages that were flagged as spam that shouldn't have been
> in
> that same time period.
> Wow. That is unbelievable!
> My corporate account, which I almost never use on lists, gets about 60%
> spam
> (hundreds) over the course of a day. And I am told we have really good
> protection on our accounts.

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