That's really is....but the only similarities between 1950's
era Japan and Germany, and 2000's era that the countries all have
an "a" in their name.

The differences are so profound, that while the broad aspect of your premise
is good (stay and create a stable democracy like we have in the past), the
devil is certainly in the details (Iraq is NOTHING like those countries, and
previous success is not indicative of future results).

Can't we help Iraq become a stable democracy without sacrificing our
soldiers in what amounts to intermittent acts of civil disobedience? Our
soldiers are policing another country's domestic crime, and I just think
that sucks.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 1:12 AM, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Did we abandon Germany or Japan in 1950? What would have happened if we
> had?
> Nothing good, I guarantee you. And what happened because we stayed and
> spent
> untold amounts of money in both countries? Germany and Japan are not only
> liberal democracies, they are two of the strongest economies in the world
> and two of our most important allies. That's what finishing the job means.
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 5:29 AM, G Money wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:18 PM, Rob wrote:
> >
> > > Lives are a different story. 4,000 dead, close to 30,000 wounded in
> Iraq
> > > alone. That's a heavy price to pay, but I would argue that the price
> our
> > > people have paid already makes it far more important that we finish
> the
> > > job.
> > >
> >
> > Finish the job.....finish the job........what the heck does that mean?
> >
> > What more are we supposed to do for these people? Hmmm? Is the first day
> > that NO bomb goes off, is that the day we declare the job "finished"????
> >
> > I'm sick of this. As far as I'm concerned, the job IS finished. Saddam's
> > gone, his military is gone, a new government is in place. Our troops are
> > simply targets for common criminals in a foreign country.
> >

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