These guys don't remember the Marshall plan apparently.

Robert Munn wrote:
> Saddam Hussein created a cult of personality and a fanatic following in the
> Baath Party, much like Hitler created a cult of personality and a fanatic
> following in the Nazi Party. Saddam used a combination of chauvinism,
> nationalism, and (later) Sunni Islam to rally support among his followers,
> much like Hitler.
> Iraq entered a war of aggression with a neighbor (Iran), invaded a weaker
> neighbor (Kuwait) and threatened one of our strategic allies (Saudi Arabia)
> in the region. Saddam pursued a course of oppression and genocide against
> minorities in Iraq. He pursued WMDs, including nuclear weapons, for years.
> In short, Iraq under Saddam was a criminal state that would have caused far
> more havoc in the region had the U.S. not intervened.
> Now, Iraq is a fragile country that needs help to survive and prosper as a
> free place. Does it suck that it falls to the United States to bear the
> brunt of the cost, both financial and human, for this task? Of course it
> sucks. But who else is there to oppose the forces of tyranny?  Great props
> go to our allies who have contributed to the cause, but the primary burden
> has fallen to us, as it has for most of the last fifty years. If we don't
> help, Iraq is effectively doomed to slide into chaos or to become a
> fractured state in the hands of the Kurds in the north, Al Qaeda in the
> west, and Iran n the south.
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 5:15 AM, G Money wrote:
>> That's really is....but the only similarities between 1950's
>> era Japan and Germany, and 2000's era that the countries all
>> have
>> an "a" in their name.
>> The differences are so profound, that while the broad aspect of your
>> premise
>> is good (stay and create a stable democracy like we have in the past), the
>> devil is certainly in the details (Iraq is NOTHING like those countries,
>> and
>> previous success is not indicative of future results).
>> Can't we help Iraq become a stable democracy without sacrificing our
>> soldiers in what amounts to intermittent acts of civil disobedience? Our
>> soldiers are policing another country's domestic crime, and I just think
>> that sucks.

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