I was playing with my JavaScript DHTML library - specifically the collision
detection. I had a function, getDistanceFrom(), that accepted another object
and returned the distance - in pixels as X and Y - between it and the
primary object.  But it didn't confer directionality.  For example a return
of "0,0" means that the corners of the objects were touching - but any of
the four corners - you don't know which direction the objects lie in.

So I wanted to add the ability to get direction... which meant a lot of math
I wasn't familiar with.  So I finally figured it out - this is the function
that (using the X,Y coordinates of the centers of the objects) determines
the direction and returns a degree value to the second decimal place (from
0.00 to 359.00):

Math.round( ( ( ( ( Math.atan2((TestX-ThisX),(ThisY-TestY)) ) * 180 /
Math.PI ) + 360 ) % 360 ) * 100) / 100;

So I made a frog!  Drag the little black dot (the fly) around and his eyes
will follow it.  The number in the frog is the bearing of the frog from the


The actual library is here:


No... it's not really impressive, but it does represent a few hours of my
time.  ;^)

Jim Davis

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