You didn't say in France, you said come in your home (he lives in the states) and grab your wife.
Quite honestly were I in a foreign nation and something happened in which I were a suspect I would assume I would be snatched up. Gruss Gott wrote: >> tBone wrote: >> Bad comparison. > > It's not a comparison. > > The framework laid out is that those countries who's citizens or > soldiers are attacked by Al Quaeda can apprehend "agents on the > battlefield" and hold them indefinitely without process. Further, > Robert trusts the military implicitly to decide who's an "agent" and > who isn't. > > This framework would mean, for example, that if you're traveling in > Europe, say Paris, and there's a terrorist attack the French could > apprehend and imprison you based on their own criteria. They could > ship you to a gulag in the Indian Ocean somewhere and you'd have no > rights to challenge your detention or bring your case before a neutral > magistrate. > > Why? Because the military has their own awesome rules about > determining who agents are and you should trust the government. > They're here to help you. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: