Fist, not a Bush supporter.

Second, all that was bonian bosnian bosnian, not in the US.

Gruss Gott wrote:
>> tBone wrote:
>> Our constitution wouldn't allow for it, doesn't mean some other
>> countries doesn't.
> Dude - the Bush administration disagrees with you.  They don't give a
> fuck about the constitution and your rights nor do anyone who
> supports this kind of stupid shit; either that or they don't realize
> the slippery slope they're sliding down.
> Let's look at the Boumediene case:
> * A Bosnia citizen, living in Bosnia, who was arrested by Bosnian
> authorities at the request of the Bush administration.
> * Investigated and determined by the Bosnian Supreme Court to be innocent.
> * Upon his release U.S. forces inside Bosnia immediately seized him
> and shipped him to Guantanamo.
> This about that for a few minutes and the *probability* of FOREIGN
> FORCES seizing you in your home and shipping you off to a gulag is
> VERY VERY REAL.  The precedent is set and the Bush administration
> supports it.
> If you think it hasn't - or won't happen - then you deserve neither
> liberty nor security.

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