The media can be seen as the major news clearing houses - AP, Reuters, AFP,
and BBC. These are centers of news that may gain their news from a number of
'lower' sources but that news is approved, edited and distributed from a
central location. If there is bias at the center then the bias is carried
back down.
My problem with them is mainly fact checking. When it comes to certain
topics, they are VERY loose with their facts. The amount of times they have
been caught with doctored photos sent to them by their 'reporters' in a
certain part of the world is very telling. The amount of times they have
bowed down to dictators and terrorists because it was better for business is
very telling. The amount of times they have edited the nature of the news by
choosing the language and tone is telling.
My Clinton quip is exactly what I meant it as - the definitions are changed
in the most insane ways and accepted for no sane reason. Try getting a
blowjob on a street corner and then defend yourself by saying it wasn't sex.
Try breaking into a school and killing a handfull of students and then
defend yourself by saying your a freedom fighter or militant. In a sane
society, it would be murder. In the media it's par for the language.
But its my chip against the media that's the problem, not what/how they

And yes, it'll take 20 years for Bush's legacy to be known, for right or
wrong. He's the first president in this war and will not be the last.

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 11:30 PM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Dino wrote:
> > Clinton: Define sex
> >
> I know you have this huge chip against the "the media", but facts are
> that there is so much channel segmentation in the media right now that
> making any type of claim of bias *as assoicated with market numbers*
> is ridiculous.
> Ask anyone looking to advertise in "the media".
> You've got 150 cable channels, 5000 internet "core" sites, hundreds of
> newspapers, and FM, AM, and satellite radio.  Further the trend is
> "media cocooning" - listening to those media channels that have a
> viewpoint you agree with.  You have to look farther than your average
> Rush listener to see that (probably Fox News, O'reilly, Hannity, and
> conservative blog consumers too).
> Bottomline is is you're a lefty you listen, read, and watch lefty;  if
> you're a righty, you listen, read, and watch righty.  If you're a
> centrist you probably grab a little of both.

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