Say a lie often enough and you expect people to believe you. Try backing up your fable 
with proof. And your link is the Israeli army rounding up militants. Nothing to uphold 
your lie of a 'mandatory' system of jail time. Try again

> Last time i said that there is a mandatory 18 day jail
> sentence on all Palestinians thast been going on for
> over 20, 30 years, some thought that its propaganda
> and its to cause Jewish hate and its nothing but brain
> washing information....I guess not, today the same
> thing is happening, except the age limit is now 14-45.
> before it was 16 and just before that it was 18. a
> seige on the town would be called, army trucks and
> tanks enter the town, all men above 16, 18, now 14 are
> to report to large areas, mostly schools, masques,
> churches, whichever has the largest yards...then I
> cant say all, but almost most, get loaded into trucks
> and taken into interegation camps , usualy its 18 days
> before there names can be entered into the "System" or
> they are checked out, and alot are there for
> years......this used to happend maybe once or twice a
> year usualy to every town, and they rolled from one
> town to the other, so everyone new what was
> coming....this is not a post 9/11 thing, or a response
> to suicide bombings, this has been happening for
> years, way before the uprising even started...this is
> one of many  reasons that cause Palestinians to hate
> Israel, not some biblical times land and zionist brain
> even suggest that i think tells me how
> fare people dont know anything about what goes on
> there.... 
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