On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 5:39 PM, Bruce Sorge wrote:
> The whole deal about Kerry is that he received medals to get out of war
> early. The three Purple Hearts he received (notice how I don't use the
> words earned or deserved) were for superficial wounds that the average
> joe (or sailor) would have never seen a doc for. He knew that if you
> received three PH medals that you are sent home. Then he tossed them and
> others for what ever reason, which I totally disagree with. People die
> for some of these medals and to me that is an affront to those men and
> women. You are telling them and their families that their sacrifices
> were for nothing. So yes, his service was openly disrespected, and
> rightly so. McCain did not try to get out of the war early. He did his
> time, and then some, so he deserves no disrespect for his military
> service, only respect and admiration.

I wasn't there, I don't have first or second or 500th hand knowledge
of the motivations and whatnot.

He served, and if you as a member want to knock his service, well,
true or not, I don't have as much of a problem with that as with the
masses, that knock it.

Would many of them sign up, even if it's with the intent to get
wounded? (which still sounds a little funny to me, as an idea, but

Yet they're fine with trashing his service, because they "heard from
someone that he did it all to be president later" and whatnot.

He fucking served, and should have gotten a little more respect, if
you ask me.  Took more nuts than 90% of the people bashing his time
there have, just to get on the damn boat.

I don't remember the same people who are upset now being upset then
tho, which makes you wonder.

I'm cool with you talking trash, but not running a fucking campaigning
on it-- while treating (IMO) the humans who power our war machine
(like you) like crap...  It was ironic.

> And FWIW, I think that if you are going to be the CINC for the US
> Military, you should have some sort of military experience, whether it
> is active, guard or reserves. You shouldn't hire a CEO for a
> pharmaceutical company who does not know anything about drugs should
> you? Point is, you should have experience in the leadership role you
> want to assume. So since McCain has experience in the military (more
> than the time he was a POW, he remained on active duty many years
> afterwards, and even turned down an Admiral billet to pursue his
> political career), and experience in the political world, that is enough
> for me to want to vote for him over Obama. Even if there was any way
> that we knew 100% that Obama could successfully surrender in Iraq
> shortly after being elected, thus bringing us all home sooner, I would
> still vote for McCain, even if that means more deployments for me. I
> prefer experience over this so called "change".

Thanks for sharing your opinion, Bruce.  I'm glad to know you, if only
You are honest, and I like that.

My opinion is, that not having someone with .mil experience is part of
the separation of powers, you know?  It's actually a little scary to
think about a country that could easily slip into what someone warned
about (I'll put it as a quote, at the bottem), you know?  Do you know
what we would be capable of, were we *really* to mobilize and whatnot?
 Like, if we did what Loathe talks about: switch into war-time mode?
For reals tho, not like we have with this 9/11 BS?

We would kick serious ass, and whatnot-- but with things being the way
they are now (I know you may not agree with me on how bad off we are,
with the wire-taps and expanded powers of government, but anyways),
well, it's scary, to have that power, without the responsibility-- or
maybe it's a lack of moral fiber-- basically, I'm wary of getting
addicted to war.

We have seen fit to remove some of the checks that prevent shit from
getting out of hand, you know?

It was all with good intentions, but we've begun paving that path...

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