>> Such a stupid comment I should ignore it, but I wont.
>Good comeback Sam. A rapier wit, yours. A real stinger. Crackling!

Well it was. To claim GOP would never choose a black race baiting. It's based 
on nothing but your imaginary belief that the GOP is racist. Powell and Rice 
prove you wrong.

>Since you haven't got facts on your side you're--again--attempting to
>counter reality with speculation. "Yeah, well he coulda beat him..."
>If only he'd run, earned the party's nomination. But he didn't.

Should we grab a good speaker with two years in the Senate and make him the 
nominy just because the qualified ones won't accept a nomination? Oh that's 
your proud plan.

>> Where's your woman vice President?
>you mean Ferraro? relegated to the annals of history.

Didn't she work for Hillary?

>The Democratic Party didn't nominate a woman for Veep this time
>around, that makes sense. Hillary was not and is not the best choice
>for President, she was not and is not the best choice for Veep.

Neither is Barrack but that didn't stop you.

>and Palin... So McCain picks a woman, and all of the sudden he's got
>the wisdom of Solomon? His smacks of the right's obvious disdain for
>women. Seems the logic here is that they'll pick up Hillary supporters
>because they'll vote for a woman; any woman.

If life were only that simple. She's a maverick. She fought corruption in her 
own party. A new kind of politics. Isn't that BO's plan? And he picked the old 
man in the senate longer than McCain. Change baby.

>Setting aside of course that she's an anti-choice crusader. a social
>conservative and evangelical xtian. not exactly a choice even the
>PUMAs can go for.

Maybe they'll just stay home.

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