>A religious right woman with a pregnant 17 year old.

What no one has mentioned was the current scandal Sarah Palin is involved in - 
her using her powers of governor to get an ex-brother-in-law fired from the 
State Police. Then when the Commissioner of the State Police objected, she had 
him fired. Not exactly the squeaky clean image they've been trying to project. 
More like the typical Republican type politics.


Long-Standing Feud in Alaska Embroils Palin

By James V. Grimaldi and Kimberly Kindy
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, August 31, 2008; A01

For the past several years, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice 
presidential candidate, has been embroiled in a bitter family feud that has 
drawn in the state police, the attorney general, the governor's office and the 
state legislature.

A bipartisan state legislative panel has appointed a special prosecutor to 
investigate whether Palin improperly brought the family fight into the 
governor's office. The investigation is focusing on whether she and her aides 
pressured and ultimately fired the public safety commissioner, Walter Monegan, 
for not removing Palin's ex-brother-in-law from the state police force.

Interviews with principals involved in the dispute and a review of court 
documents and police internal affairs reports reveal that Palin has been deeply 
involved in alerting state officials to her family's personal turmoil.

Palin has said she did not pressure Monegan or fire him for not taking action 
against her former brother-in-law. A spokesman for Sen. John McCain's campaign, 
who asked not to be identified because the matter is under investigation, said 
Palin's actions were merely intended to alert Monegan about potential threats 
to her family from her sister's ex-husband, Mike Wooten.

The trouble between Wooten and the governor's sister broke into the open after 
an alleged incident in February 2005. Palin told an internal affairs 
investigator that she overheard on a speakerphone Wooten arguing with her 
sister and threatening to kill their father. Fearful for her family members' 
lives, Palin said she drove to her sister's house and watched the argument 
through a window.

"Wooten's words were, 'I will kill him. He'll eat a [expletive] lead bullet, 
I'll shoot him,' if our father got the attorney to help Molly," Palin said in 
an e-mail she wrote in August 2005 to the chief of the state police. "I heard 
this death threat, my 16-year-old son heard it (Track Palin), Molly heard it, 
as did their small children. Wooten spoke with his Trooper gun on his hip in an 
extremely intimidating fashion, leaving no doubt he is serious about taking 
someone's life who disagrees with him."

According to the e-mail, the alleged argument occurred after Palin's sister, 
who uses her previous married name of Molly McCann, questioned Wooten about her 
husband attending a trooper-sponsored event in January with another woman. 
There is no record of police charging Wooten for the alleged threat. Through 
his attorney, Wooten declined to comment for this article.

On the day that the governor's younger sister filed for divorce -- April 11, 
2005 -- Palin's father, Chuck Heath, a retired teacher then in his late 60s, 
called state police to file a complaint about Wooten. He handed the phone to 
his daughter Molly, who told state police that her husband had threatened her 
father's life and had drunk beer while driving his police vehicle home. Later, 
she told police that Wooten had shot a "cow moose" without a license and 
Tasered his 10-year-old stepson.

A month later, Sarah Palin, then chairing the state oil and gas commission, was 
interviewed by a state police investigator about the argument. She told 
investigators that when she arrived at the house she could see Wooten "waving 
his arms." She said she thought, "He is gonna blow it." She said she left for a 
meeting without calling police.

On Aug. 10, 2005, Palin sent an angry, three-page e-mail to Col. Julia Grimes, 
head of the state police. "My concern is that the public's faith in the 
Troopers will continue to diminish as more residents express concerns regarding 
the apparent lack of action towards a Trooper whom is described by many as 'a 
ticking time bomb' and a 'loose cannon.' "

Palin noted, "Wooten is my brother-in-law, but this information is forwarded to 
you objectively," and asked Grimes to treat the information objectively.

Keeping Wooten on the police force, Palin wrote, "would lead a rational person 
to believe there is a problem inside the organization."

She characterized Wooten as a hard-drinking bully who held himself above the 
law and threatened her family.

"Wooten was counseled by my husband to join Molly in acting civilly and with 
maturity during their divorce -- for the sake of the nine kids they and 
Wooten's girlfriend have between them all -- and who are adversely affected by 
their circumstances. Wooten evidently took umbrage with the advice and that day 
told Molly she'd better 'put a leash on your sister' or he'd 'bring Sarah Palin 
down.' "

Palin added: "I feel strongly that Wooten is a loose cannon. He's a ticking 
time bomb, as others describe him, and I am afraid his actions do not merely 
reflect poorly on the State, but his actions may cause someone terrible harm . 
. .

"Is it acceptable for an Alaska State Trooper to use his badge and power in 
these aforementioned ways?"

She concluded, "Our faith is waning."

The divorce went to trial in the fall of 2005 while the state police internal 
investigation was pending. Anchorage Superior Court Judge John Suddock reviewed 
the complaints filed by Palin and her family. At trial on Oct. 27, 2005, the 
judge expressed puzzlement about why the family was trying to get Wooten fired, 
since depriving the trooper of a job would harm his ability to pay family 
support to Palin's sister.

"It appears for the world that Ms. McCann and her family have decided to take 
off for the guy's livelihood -- that the bitterness of whatever who did what to 
whom has overridden good judgment," Suddock said in an audio recording from the 
trial on TV station KTUU's Web site. "Aesop told us not to slay the goose who 
lays the golden egg. For whatever reason, people are trying to slay the goose 
here and it tends to diminish his earning capacity."

On March 1, 2006, Grimes sustained the allegations, saying, "The record clearly 
indicates a serious and concentrated pattern of unacceptable and at times, 
illegal activity occurring over a lengthy period, which establishes a course of 
conduct totally at odds with the ethics of our profession." Wooten was 
suspended for five days.

That fall, in a surprise, Palin defeated Gov. Frank Murkowski in the Republican 
primary and went on to win the general election. She took office in December 
2006 and appointed Monegan, who'd just retired as Anchorage police chief after 
five years, to be public safety commissioner, a cabinet position.

In January 2007, Palin's husband, Todd, a commercial fisherman, oil company 
worker and champion snowmobile racer who was now first gentleman of Alaska, 
invited Monegan to the governor's office. Todd Palin asked Monegan to look into 
the Wooten matter. Monegan did and later told Todd there was nothing he could 
do because the matter was closed.

Monegan told The Washington Post that Palin called him a few days later on his 
cellphone, and that he told her the same thing. She brought it up again in 
February 2007 in the state capitol building and Monegan warned her to stay at 
arm's length.

Monegan said Palin mostly backed off, but kept raising the matter indirectly 
through e-mails. In the fall of 2007, Monegan said he alerted her to a bad jury 
verdict against a trooper in rural Alaska, and she replied by mentioning 
Wooten, but not by name.

"She said troopers like this one and my former brother-in-law, or that trooper 
I used to be related to, are the things that make people not trust troopers," 
Monegan told The Post yesterday.

Monegan said he also got telephone calls from three Palin appointees, including 
her then-chief of staff, Mike Tibbles; Commissioner Annette Kreitzer of the 
Department of Administration; and Attorney General Talis Colberg.

Colberg said at a news conference this year that he was one of staffers who 
called Monegan. Colberg said he called after Todd Palin asked him about "the 
process" for when state troopers make death threats against the first family.

"I made an inquiry and was told by Commissioner Monegan that there was a 
process in place and that it was handled and it was over. And I reported back 
to the first gentleman that there was nothing more that could be done," Colberg 

With each of the calls, Monegan became more concerned and warned each caller 
about exposing the state to litigation from Wooten. Monegan told Tibbles: "This 
is not your issue. This is something I am supposed to handle. Every time we 
talk about this, it is discoverable. Do you want this trooper to own your 

Meanwhile, Todd Palin continued to collect evidence against his former 
brother-in-law and lobbied for his dismissal, records and interviews show. In 
April 2007, he told the Anchorage Daily News that he met just once with 
Wooten's boss, Col. Audie Holloway, to give her pictures of Wooten driving a 
snowmobile when he was out on a worker's compensation claim.

The legislative investigation is looking into whether information was leaked 
from Wooten's personnel file.

In an interview yesterday, Alaska Deputy Attorney General Michael Barnhill said 
that a member of the governor's staff made at least one telephone call to 
Holloway about the snowmobile incident reported by Todd Palin. Diane Kiesel, 
Alaska state personnel director, called because she believed the troopers 
should know there might be a violation of law, Barnhill said.

"People in the administration made contact with the Department of Public Safety 
to deal with the worker's compensation file," he said.

Barnhill said the attorney general's office does not think the governor's staff 
should be banned from making calls about Wooten to his superiors.

In July, Palin's chief of staff told Monegan he was being fired because the 
governor wanted to "go in a different direction," Monegan said.

Monegan went public, alleging that his firing was connected to his failure to 
remove Wooten. The state legislature launched its investigation, and the 
governor asked the attorney general's office to conduct an internal 

Barnhill said the review, made public two weeks ago, found that half a dozen 
officials had made about two dozen phone calls regarding Wooten. But only one 
call was determined to be improper, a tape-recorded conversation between 
Palin's chief of boards and commissions, Frank Bailey, to a police lieutenant.

In the call, Bailey said, "Todd and Sarah are scratching their heads, 'Why on 
earth hasn't this, why is this guy still representing the department?' "

Palin suspended Bailey with pay, saying she knew nothing about the call.

Palin still faces the review by the legislature.

State Sen. Hollis French (D) said that both Republicans and Democrats 
authorized the hiring of a former prosecutor to determine whether Palin "used 
her public office to settle a private score." French described the prosecutor, 
Steve Branchflower, as a "straight shooter,"

French said the investigation of the popular 44-year-old governor had been 
criticized throughout the state until about two weeks ago, when the governor's 
office released the audiotape of Bailey.

Such evidence points to a violation of Wooten's privacy, French said.

"We're seeing clues or signs that matters from his personal confidential file 
were being shared to generate talking points against the trooper as drums being 
pounded to get him dismissed," French said yesterday.

The legislative report is due in October.

Staff researchers Alice Crites and Magda Jean-Louis contributed to this report.

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