yup..and my original point was that it could be argued that US governments,
and British governments too, have supported terrorism. The contras were
certainly terrorists in the eyes of the elected leader of Nicaragua, and
they were financially and militarily supported by the US. I'm not sure how
much more obvious you would like it to be?


-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 April 2002 17:25
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)

You outline a series of actions that violated US law, but no acts of


-----Original Message-----
From: Will Swain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 8:16 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)


How about, for starters, the US involvement in Nicaragua with the Contras,
whom Reagan himself referred to as 'freedom fighters'? Here is a brief

1981: The US ends aid to Nicaragua after finding evidence that Nicaragua,
Cuba, and the Soviet Union are supplying arms to Salvadorian rebels.

1982: The US House of Representatives passes the Boland Amendment, which
prohibits the US from supplying the Nicaraguan Contras (Sandinista
opposition forces) with arms for overthrowing the Sandinista government.

1984: The CIA mines Nicaragua's harbors in a covert operation. Both US
enemies and allies condemn the action. Nicaragua sues the US in the World
Court, and in June 1986 the Court finds the US guilty of violating
international law.

1984: Daniel Ortega, leader of the FSLN, is elected president of Nicaragua.

1985: The US suspends talks with Nicaragua. US president Ronald Reagan
describes the Nicaraguan contras as "freedom fighters" and compares them to
America's founding fathers. Reagan initiates economic sanctions against
Nicaragua. The US Congress approves humanitarian aid package for the
Nicaraguan Contras.

1986: The Nicaraguan government closes La Prensa, an opposition newspaper. A
plane carrying US military supplies to the Contras is shot down and the only
American survivor is captured. The US government announces that contrary to
the Boland Amendment, the US has been providing military aid to the
Nicaraguan Contras. The supplies were purchased with funds diverted form the
sale of US arms to Iran. The covert operation became known as the
Iran-Contra affair.

1987: Daniel Ortega, the FSLN leader and President, begins a trip to the
Soviet Union and Eastern Europe seeking military and economic aid. The US
Congress approves 7.7 million in humanitarian aid to the Contras. Peace
talks between the Sandinistas and the Contras break down. Ortega confirms
rumors that the Soviets plan to supply Nicaragua with more military aid.


-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 April 2002 17:00
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)

What examples do you have of US terroism (other than punished war crimes, of
which there are a few).  Or let me refine further -- leave out the over
zealous actions of individual soliders, whether punished or not.


-----Original Message-----
From: Will Swain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 7:52 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)

Quite...one man's terrorist is another mans freedom fighter etc etc.....

Incidentally, there is a historical precedent for the American, and no doubt
British, governments supporting so called terrorists, except that no doubt
then they weren't terrorists at all.......#


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Smyth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 April 2002 16:42
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)

>They (the Palistinians) are the terrorists.

Surely the issue of whether they are terrorists depends on your perspective
of the situation?  I'm not condoning anything, its just an observation

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 April 2002 16:45
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)

The fault of those dead prists and nuns lies squarely with the Palistinians
(and I see a post from MD saying it didn't happen, citing a credible news
source).  They (the Palistinians) are the terrorists. They have brought it
on with their totally unjustified suicide bombings.  Israel is acting in
self defense.  To call Israel actions terrorism is to totally twist the
English language and shows a profound disrespect for all that is honorable
and just. If Israeli actions creates more suicide bombers than that only
demonstrates the total lack of intelligence and morals among the
Palistinians. Why do you persist in defending such utterly depraved actions?


-----Original Message-----
From: mo mansour [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 7:14 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)

>How can Israel be wrong when all it is trying to do
is defend its citizens
>against immoral attacks?


And blowing up people and detaining and terrorizing,
and starvation,and cutting off the basic human needs
to exist and executing who they want and leaving
nothing undestroyed in their path is moral ?
so you are fighting terrorism with even harsher
terrorism and against all the people, that is what is
moral and definding yourself...how many more suicide
bombers you think this has creatd ?

Bethlaham where all the killing is going on today, is
mostly all christians and catholics......

A Catholic priest has been killed and at least six
nuns have been wounded during fighting in the West
Bank town of Bethlehem.


You think that the priest and those nuns put up a
"fair fight" ? tanks and machine guns against an old
priest and nuns, i think thats fighting
terrorism...sure...Sadly, the death toll in Betlaham
is now reported as higher than those killed in

like I said, the news usualy take an extra day to make
the headlines here, but eventualy it does...

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