On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 6:31 AM, C. Hatton Humphrey wrote:
>> Sorry Repubs out there, don't mean to be a total dick, but your party
>> has really, um, peeved me off.
>> What's the deal, yo?
> Just following in the example that the Democrats set in 1988, 1992 and 1996!
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_speech_zones (scroll down to the
> "History" portion).
> Actually, I recall posting this information before...
> http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/cf-community/thread.cfm/threadid:27031#263405

The jibe was aimed more at the general crazyness of having a party
who's platform is supposed to be pretty anti to this stuff, promoting
it instead.  Anti big government, anti big spending, anti corporate +
government ties...  theoretically.
Fierce defenders of the constitution?  Well, probably one of those
"crazy" third parties runs more on that... but you get what I'm
getting at, right?  It's more ironic that the repubs do it.

Dems don't seem to run on the same type of platform, so it's not quite
so ironic that they do it, but Free Speech zones are a crock of shit,
irregardless (heh, we'll get it in the dictionary soon) of party.

I was more asking "what's the deal with all the stuff the Republican
party stands for being pretty much just plain hype, with no real
meat?"  And how-come there hasn't been a mass-revolt from within the
party?  Is unity *that* important?  Let us all go over the cliff
holding hands...

Poking fun at parties is not very productive, but what the hell, I do
love irony, and the current state of affairs seems pretty ironic.

Is the Republican party where you want it to be, Hatton?  Are you
happy with the religion and whatnot getting all up in the mix?  It
seems to me it's been co-opeded.  The dems don't have much
organization to co-opt, which I sorta like, but parties... fuck
parties, this is about people, as individuals, and why we sit while
our countrymen walk the dark trail.

"15 seconds... I can hold you up for 15 seconds..."  Hmmmm I love
"House", it's a great show.


He was certainly in a confused state. I used to go and visit him in
Callan Park. They were really - to me they were the best poets those
two writing in those days but it wasn't very encouraging because,
well, they weren't getting far were they?
Robert Adamson

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