On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 4:27 PM, Sam wrote:
>> Would The Simpsons be making jokes about their power if it wasn't palpable?
> The cartoon from the Tracy Ulman show?

Tracy Ulman?  Doh!  Been smoking for decades, guess my long-term
memory is shot too.

>> > My group doesn't go around hurting people, if they did I'd be the rat
>> > that tips the cops.
>> Ah yeah, the "but they were all bad" argument.  Amaxing.
>> And since you're not doing anything wrong, what do you have to fear, right?
>> Wowzers.  Doesn't that ring any bells with you?  As in, alarm bells?
> Not sure what you point is.
> If one of my friends told the police I was planning a murder I would
> expect them to try to stop me even if it was a false charge.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

>> > Are you saying your against undercover officers? Even after got tips
>> > of violence?
>> Have you SEEN what's o.k. these days?  Did you notice the police
>> powers sorta slowly growing this whole time?
> Nope. I've seen it slip with criminals getting away with more.

Then you haven't been paying attention-- or are paying attention to
the little things, while the big things roll by.

Or, more likely based on your comments, you're actually angling for a
nanny state.

Where people serve the government, and not the other way around.

>> And what do you think a lot of the soldiers are going to do when they
>> get back home?
> Have a beer? Get laid? Not sure about the order.

Probably get some decent body armor first.  Beers and broads can get crazy.

And maybe a pair of boots that aren't from some kind of socialist
setup, from a sole provider (sole, heh).

Hell, while I was at it, I'd probably get a good gun, that works twice
as good as the one I was issued, and (amazingly, I mean, it's just
crazy to think anyone would try to make a profit in a situation like
this, a "captive audience" sotospeak, but) at about half the price.

>> Dude, you seriously need to think a little bit about this stuff.
> Alright, give me a hit so I too can think in little bits :)

If Leonard could put the puzzle together in that movie Memento...

You put enough bits together, and eventually, you end up with words, man.

>> It's not just polarized party talk and whatnot, this is US, A.
> And isn't your job as a citizen to help keep the rest of us safe?
> Report crimes if you see them. Aren't you an accomplice if you know a
> crime is going to be committed and don't report it?

Heh.  Yes, I want to be a Good Citizen, just like yourself.

Rely on those police, man, they are what's really keeping you safe.

In the country you (and I, under protest) are building, at least.

>> BTW, I'm sick of cops thinking "tips" are "good enough"-- sheesh, man,
>> for someone who talks so much shit about Commies and whatnot, you
>> should think just a little bit about what we're doing, day by day.
> Cops don't issue warrants. Judges do.

Now this is a real pearl.  I was only going to respond to this last
one, as it's got merit, but what the fuck, I had to slip a memory joke
in there somehow.

You are incredibly right.  And I wonder how many people even give two
craps about judges.  *sigh*

That's why your side is winning this war, and we've given cops the
right to stop people, "just 'cause"-- hey, if we keep this up, no one
will have to remember much of anything, at least.

That's some silver lining, sorta.  We can discover it all over again!
Yay for cyclic whatnots!  Blood on the streets, is where it's at,

I prefer boots on Mars myself, but whatever floats yer boat, I reckon.  Kinda.

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sexual desires have weakened, withered, and disappeared.
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