> Dino wrote:
> That is the most insane response I've ever seen.

Ok - so that was a joke, just because Robert and I like to rib each other.

As for Repbulicans, I was one until 2000.  I've also voted exclusively
Republican in my state for my entire voting life with the exception of
Jesse Ventura who was independent.  That includes for Tim Pawlenty who
lives down the road from me and was McCain's 2nd choice for VP.

Put another way, I'm FAR from a Republican hater and, truth is, I
wretch more on the typical liberal ideas.

In philosophy, I'm fiscally conservative (small gov't), socially
liberal (no gov't in my bedroom), and a foreign policy conservative
(strong defense, limited expeditions).  I'm an Ike Republican more
than a Reagan Republican, but historically a Republican.

Like many conservatives, I never liked Bush and like him worse for his
record.  Bush is fiscally liberal, socially conservative, and a
foreign policy liberal.  In short he's the opposite of me.

Also, like many conservatives, I believe in accountability.

When someone holds the keys to the car and drives it, I hold him
responsible for both the direction, the trip, and the maintenance of

In short, I believe you leave things as good as or better than you
found them.  And if it's not, it's your fault.  Even if it's an act of
God.  It's your fault.  You're accountable.

I believe when you're in charge, you're accountable.  If you don't
want to be accountable then you don't accept leadership.  And I don't

If you hedge or believe in shifting accountability to other's besides
those that seek, ask for, and accept accountability, then we'll
disagree on that.

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