In grad school about 10 years ago. I was very fortunate to be able to take 
a grad seminar in neuropsych from Karl Pribram. He spent several sessions 
on this topic alone. I can try to dig up my class notes if you want. It has 
all the full cites etc.


At 03:54 PM 4/2/02 -0500, you wrote:
> > Todd,
> >
> > Infants do not have a fully developed nervous system. For instance,
> > mylinization, how the major nerves and nerve pathways become electrically
> > insulated, isn't complete until after 18 on the average. Moreover pain
> > perception is also a matter of experience and interpretation. so if you
> > don't have the mechanism for the pain, its very difficult to define it as
>Where did you find this information?
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