see Benny, see what you started! <grin>

married to an uncircumcised man for a better tomorrow.

>>|-----Original Message-----
>>|From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>|Sent: 02 April 2002 20:00
>>|To: CF-Community
>>|Subject: Re: Not getting any (RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0))
>>|>> >This is the one I don't believe.  Put someone in the cold
>>|and then slice
>>|>> >the skin on the tips of their fingers and see which they are
>>|more upset
>>|>> >about.
>>|>> We're talking about a baby here, not an adult. If you were
>>|present to hear
>>|>the baby cry you'd probably agree with me.
>>|>You're not suggesting that babies don't feel pain like adults
>>|do, are you?
>>|I'm saying that All pain is the same to them as their nervous
>>|system has no ability to distinguish at the time (8 days old in
>>|Judaism). As a side note, my family was once a foster family and
>>|had a child that was circumcised at the age of 4. He didn't cry
>>|at all during the procedure. I also know someone who converted
>>|to Judaism. He had it done and he was in his 20's. I'd say that
>>|the pain is about comprable to that of an ear pierce. (when
>>|Judith and Hinda Tova get their ears pierced I'll listen in and
>>|report back).
>>|>OK .. here is some video of a circumcision.  That baby sounds like it's
>>|>doing a little more than complaining of the cold.
>>|I'll have to look at this when I get home as I can't see it at
>>|the moment. What I'm saying is that my experience, as someone
>>|being at a number of these events and standing anywhere from 3
>>|feet to 10 feet away is that the screams are basically the same.
>>|I will be sure to make a specific note of it the next one I go to.
>>|>> >You can't convince me that that doesn't hurt like hell.  If
>>|it's not that
>>|>> >big of a deal, why bother giving anesthetic to adults?  If
>>|being cold is
>>|>> >worse, then the adults shouldn't have anything to complain
>>|about.  Sure
>>|>> >would save on the medical bill ....
>>|>> Never said it didn't. My wife stubs her toe and she screams and hops
>>|>around thinking its broken (she has a low pain tolerance). A baby had NO
>>|>pain tolerance. Any discomfort is pain to it. Is it equipped to tell the
>>|>difference between the two pains or the degree? nope.
>>|>I also don't believe this.  Doctors used to think babies didn't
>>|feel pain at
>>|>all.  This is thinking had doctors even performing open heart surgery on
>>|>babies without anesthetic.  Now they know that babies have a
>>|fully developed
>>|>nervouse system that functions just as well as an adult's.
>>|They can tell
>>|>the difference between degrees of discomfort.
>>|I have to disagree. This ability comes in time but a newborn
>>|does not have it.
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