I can understand your fear, but I don't share it.  I think she's like 
most of the Christians I know, more show than go.

I also know that she's done things that were contrary to her personal 
beliefs (gay rights for one) that were the right thing to do considering 
her office and the law and the constitution.

Jerry Johnson wrote:
> I'm with you there 80%. Maybe 85%. The only difference is: Palin scares me
> more than Obama.
> (The direction the Bush administration has gone in the last 8 years has done
> more to harm the basic underpinnings of this country than anything the
> Democrats have planned, even if they could get it all done (which we know is
> foolish))
> The thing that scares me about Palin is: the one thing that would seriously
> affect my ability to live in this country is a shift to a fundamentalist,
> religion based society.
> The strident bickering, and ungentlemanly conduct of both political machines
> turns me off to them. And whichever group does it more loses my vote. The
> issues are becoming secondary to how the candidates (or more specifically,
> the people behind the candidates) treat each other and us.
> On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 9:25 PM, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> There are a great many reasons I wouldn't vote for Obama.
>> Chief among them is that he is from the Chicago political machine.
>> He was kept clean and groomed for federal service.  He has shady
>> connections, but I find that most people on the left do.
>> He is from the far left, he will increase the size and scope of
>> government, he will try and take my guns away from me.
>> He will redistribute wealth.  I ain't rich, but I ain't starving.  He
>> will eventually try and raise my taxes.
>> He will attempt to socialize health care.
>> He will increase the governments involvement in what I believe are state
>> and local issues, such as; environmental restrictions on private
>> property, meddling in education, further legislation on smoking (cigs
>> and green) what you can eat, god this list could be endless.  When
>> either party controls the legislative and executive branches states and
>> personal rights suffer.
>> He will strip our military and likely surrender in Iraq, and now
>> possibly Afghanistan, I am hearing more and more of the people that were
>> formerly just against the war in Iraq now bitching about Enduring Freedom.
>> Now that the keg has been tapped on us meddling fully in the economy we
>> could see the dems try and build a whole new deal style government all
>> over again.
>> Here's the thing.  In my eyes the politics in the U.S. generally are
>> like a pendulum.  Swings left to right, we're currently swinging back to
>> the left, we're not there all the way yet, but we're getting there.
>> We're coming off the end of the peak of the right wing end (repubs
>> controlled both branches, only being fought by the judiciary which was
>> often liberal).  Now we have a right wing court and are going to have a
>> left wing government.  I don't like either extreme truth be told.
>> Generally when the branches of government are split there are less laws
>> passed.  At this point in most cases all new law does is cost the tax
>> payers money, and restricts freedom.  We need less law, but thats not
>> going to happen with either of the major entrenched parties.
>> I've never understood the "two party system" thing.  Where is that put
>> down on paper that we can only have two?  When we finally give in and
>> start voting for the person most likely to represent our districts and
>> states we might actually roll some of the garbage back and be able to
>> write new law that is ethical, complies with the constitution, is based
>> in the ideals of freedom and individualism that this nation was founded
>> upon.
>> The states and regions of the nation were supposed to be vastly
>> different, they sure were back then.  Commonwealths, the political
>> weirdness that is Louisiana, the left wing 'utopia' of California, the
>> strength and self reliance of Texas and Alaska, the earthy hard working
>> farmer from Kansas.
>> You know man, seriously I love this country so much.  I know it sounds
>> stupid but I get emotional thinking about this stuff, maybe I'm weird
>> some kind of fanatic or something, but the weight of our past, and the
>> responsibility of our future are things I feel personally.
>> I don't want to live in Europe or Canada.  I want to live in the United
>> States of America.  Where a man can start from nothing and become a
>> billionaire.  Or president, or a Navy SEAL or nothing at all.  Where
>> it's not only allowed but expected that you've seen and handled a gun,
>> I'd like to see us return to an expectation of civic responsibility and
>> service were the norm, not something someone did for recognition or
>> personal advancement. Where what was in your cup or your pipe were your
>> own business.  As was what you did with the land you own, and the
>> children you were raising.
>> I'm really almost done with the current system, I'm barely buying in any
>> more.  I'm sickened and disgusted by both of the candidates, I'll be
>> honest and admit that I do like Palin and for the same reasons that many
>> people like Obama, change, but in my direction.
>> In the end, in 5 years I might just be telecommuting from an undisclosed
>> mountain top in some state with good gun laws totally off the grid.
>> God you know, money and everything that goes with it these days is
>> really over rated.  I can shoot, fish, I've done some carpentry, worked
>> on motors from small engine through turbo diesel; cooked in incredible
>> restaurants.  Skinned and smoked my own meat.  Lived on reservations,
>> military bases, huge cities, and the most remote terrain across several
>> continents.  Jumped out of planes, scuba dived in the red sea, fathered
>> 2 amazing kids, played with the dogs, got dirty with the women, drank
>> with the men, fought the good fight, loved, lost and lived.
>> Lately I don't like the way things are in towns.  I don't get along with
>> many people, everyone is so disconnected and abrupt and rude.
>> Everything is moving so fast, every issue is critical, every dime
>> important, and every breath next to your last.
>> Sorry for the book man, little mental diarrhea, hope you made it through
>> it ok.  Kind had a Denny moment, they can be good for the soul :)
>> Gruss Gott wrote:
>>>> gg wrote:
>>>> Are you seriously being that ridiculous?
>>> Cause I gotta say it seems like you are.  If you don't want to vote
>>> for Obama, don't, but you don't need to make up excuses based on
>>> bullshit and lies.
>>> Just say you don't want to vote for him because [something reasonable].
>>> But then maybe your reason isn't reasonable?  I dunno.

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