Umm...Robert, you've wandered into lunatic fringe land here.

The investigation was launched by a unanimous legislative committee.
The Alaska state congress is Republican dominated. The inpendent
investigator was hired by the joint committee. Palin originally said
she supported the investigation. Alaska's Attorney General (a Palin
appointee) found similar ethical problems.

There was nothing partisan or government branch specific about this
inquiry until Palin was named VP candidate and Republican lawyers
headed north.

>From what I can tell from the report, she didn't do anything criminal.
She may or may not have done anything illegal. I am certainly not an
expert on the ethics laws of Alaska.

The report, however, clearly shows that both Sarah and Todd Palin
pushed Monegan to fire the trooper in question. They did so repeatedly
over a period of some time and threatened him. Govenor Palin may have
been well within her rights to fire Monegan or cause or no cause (I
serve at the pleasure of the Govenor, etc). That doesn't make what
they did ethical.


On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 7:27 PM, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 7:22 PM, Robert wrote:
>> So the report somehow concluded that the Governor was wrong to exercise a
>> power that is specifically granted to the Governor's office by the
>> Consitution of Alaska. Amazing.
> Furthermore, the real abuse of power here is the back-door attempt by the
> legislature, under cover of ethics laws, to abridge the Constitutional power
> of the Governor's office. It represents a clear attack by one branch of
> government on the legitimate authority of another branch of government.

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