No, actually it doesn't. I've read the report, at least the first hundred
pages or so that deal with the findings and relevant evidence. Sarah asked
Monegan about Wooten once and that's it. Todd pursued the complaints, as is
his right as a citizen of the United States to have a redress of grievances
against the government. Read the report if you want the full details, but
basically the only thing they found that she did was let Todd use a desk in
her office while he was complaining about Wooten. That's it.

You want to know why Monegan was really fired? Answer this question: Why did
Walt Monegan send a poster of State Trooper Wooten to Governor Palin's desk
for her signature as part of  a 2008 Memorial Day celebration?

Monegan was fired within six weeks of that event. Monegan claims he didn't
know the trooper in the poster was Wooten. I find that answer to be either a
demonstration of contempt or complete and utter incompetence. Either way, I
would have summoned Monegan to my office and fired him on the spot.

On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Judah wrote:

> The report, however, clearly shows that both Sarah and Todd Palin
> pushed Monegan to fire the trooper in question. They did so repeatedly
> over a period of some time and threatened him. Govenor Palin may have
> been well within her rights to fire Monegan or cause or no cause (I
> serve at the pleasure of the Govenor, etc). That doesn't make what
> they did ethical.

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