How many children have died in Iraq and Afghanistan as collateral
damage in Shrub's wars?  As for Whitewater, Ken Starr spend months and
millions looking for something to pin on Bill and Hillary and found
nothing so I'm not sure who you are referring to regarding the
convictions for perjury or obstruction of justice.  Remember Scooter
Libby?  Ken Lay?

 Waco was awful, but more a fault of entrenched bureaucrats at ATF
whose tenure pre-dated Clinton and Reno, and it is clear that Reno was
lied to by both the ATF and FBI.

I could list all the sins of the Bush Administration, but I don't have
all day and it would take that long.

But the failures regarding Katrina alone are substantially worse than
anything in the Clinton years.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 11:26 AM, C. Hatton Humphrey
>> The Clinton administration was far from perfect, but it was light
>> years better than what we've had for the last eight years.
> Riiiight... you mean like the Waco incident, Elian Gonzales, the DMCA,
> "Blackhawk Down", Whitewater, Convictions for Perjury and Obstruction
> of Justice, Travelgate, Chinese Campaign Contributions and others?
> Don't get me wrong, this administration has had it's share of issues,
> but I refuse to see it looked at as worse than an administration where
> a CHILD was forcibly returned to a communist state.
> Hatton

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