The very fact that you know there are bundlers on the transition team
is a welcome change.  The transparency of each team member being named
and having their full bios with disclosure of their previous
connections on a public website is a welcome change.

I wonder how many people here could name the members of Bush's
transition team, or know how many of them were bundlers?  Perhaps if
we had known, we wouldn't have been so surprised at execs from Big Oil
writing the energy policy.  At least that is not going to happen in
Obama's administration.

I was very pleased with the presence of so many progressives and
environmentalists on the transition team.  Only a couple of people
sent up warning bells for me, but I'm very happy about knowing who is
making the decisions.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 2:07 PM, Judah McAuley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I worry about the appearance of bundlers on the transition team as
> well. I think that is a valid criticism and I'm glad the Post pointed
> it out. I think the effect is more than mitigated though by Obama's
> rules related to lobbying and jobs in the administration for people
> involved in the transition. If Obama had not put those ethics rules in
> place I would be far more concerned about the presence of fundraisers.

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